Implementing “No Contact”

When you’re in the war zone with a Narcissistic personality in command, sometimse you don’t even realize you’re in the war zone until it’s too late.  You assume you’re dealing with an honest and reasonable person and that you can reconcile your differences. Unfortunately, if you’re reading this you know all too well that that is impossible.  You trusted the person who seemed so “concerned” about you and was asking you so many questions (to gain ammunition on you) and you confided in them.  Little did you know that they were out for your destruction.  You need to cut your loses and realize that you can’t really win against a Narcissist.  They are playing at an entirely different level then you.  The saying “I was for peace, but they were for war…”  is true in almost every Narcissistic abuse situation I’ve heard of.   Not only that but Narcissists lie and lie so frequently (even to themselves) that whatever is happening behind the scenes is far more nastier than you imagine.   The smear campaign is going to be launched if you dare to defend or fight back.  You will be emotionally and spiritually destroyed.  And they will still justify themselves and not apologize.

By the time you’re “time” is up with a Narcissist and you realize that you are in the frying pan slowing being cooked to death you’re likely on the point of suicide or losing your mind.  I know everything inside of you will want to explain yourself, clear up the misunderstandings, defend yourself, your name, your motives etc.  It’s useless.  They’ll use that against you too.  They don’t love you or care about you.  You have to remember that.  The person or people that you thought you knew are not who they say they are.  They are out for #1.  And by the time you realize it, it’s too late.

This is when for your own health, sanity and protection it is important (if possible) to implement “no contact’.  It may drive them mad and they’ll accuse you of even more behind your back for implementing it but in order to REGAIN your SANITY you must do this.   I know you will be tempted at points to reach out again.  It’s in our natural human nature to want or desire to reconcile.  However, a Narcissist is only willing to reconcile on their terms for POWER.  There is no LOVE.  Remember that – there is NO LOVE.  Not only is there no love but there is a lack of conscious.  And a person who has no conscious will think nothing of destroying, humiliating, intimidating and manipulating another person solely for their purposes.

I want you to remember that God loves you.  In my recovery from Narcissistic abuse I had to tell myself this often.  It doesn’t matter what the Narcissists think of you – it matters what GOD thinks of you.  He’s there for you.  Reach out to HIM during this time of no contact.  Let Him love you.  Ask Him to show you who you are in His eyes.

Here is a good video on No Contact that is worth watching.


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