There are at times small groups or clans within a church organization start to form cultish thinking and are very difficult to recognize. The effects it can have on people within and any target can be long reaching and devastating. This creeps into churches without the pastor even knowing or recognizing it. And sometime the pastor is a part of it. Here are some red flags.
If you recognize that you may be in a situation or within a small group of people that display some of these qualities I would recommend that you start to research spiritual abuse before it’s too late. I know that some of the individuals in these groups can seem very nice, helpful, charismatic and even display love for God and others. They may seem like outstanding members of a community. This can make the decision to leave or have no contact with the group hard, especially if you love the people. It is important for you to know that God is your ultimate authority and the voice you obey. What these people have said over you or told you about yourself has little to do with who you are. The problem with spiritual abuse in particular is that is very hard to detect and very sneaky. I myself experienced spiritual abuse and oppression and I want you to know that you are not alone.However, in saying this, I also just want to point out how important it is not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Many Christian circles are full of reasonable and loving people who desire nothing else but to uplift, restore and encourage other believers.